The fact that below I have 21 items that needed labelling in my bag is quite a shocker. This kind of proves I pack my bag full of absolute rubbish I really do not need. Things just build up, I'm sure all my lovely readers will agree! So my bag, as displayed above, has two compartments. As I've said in a previous post I'm quite a bag snob. I love things to be organised so I'm not rummaging around. Especially when you get to your door and you're fumbling around for keys, that's really not fun.
My bag is from ASOS as mentioned in a previous post it's now on sale for £19.00. I bought it for £25.00 as ASOS had some discounts on around that time. It has a tiny front pocket that closes with magnetic clasps and the front compartment has a mobile pouch attached to the material. The back compartment has a zip compartment for the more private items! A long strap does come with this bag but there is nowhere on the sides to attach it which is a bit silly but never mind... It's in a lovely burgundy colour, that doesn't show on this photo as well as it should.
- DOVE ORIGINAL ROLL ON ANTI-PERSPIRANT - There really is not much that can be said about this other than I just like to make sure I'm not smelly. I hate it when people spray lots and lots of deodorant in cramped public places such as trains. This is where this roll on comes in handy so I'm not suffocating the fellow commuters!
- JVC GUMY HEADPHONES - These really aren't that amazing but I'm not a sound snob. I just want to hear sound and they definitely let me hear. Whether it's a bus or train journey these come in handy to me for music or watching videos.
- HARROGATE SPRING WATER - If I ever have a drink in my bag it's probably water, shop bought water tastes so much better than tap. Water and bag snob! Although I do occasionally refill my bottle with tap water so not that much of a snob.
- KEYS - This lanyard had my keys on for my uni flat, I've now handed these back in. So my house keys are now attached. My HSBC security thing is also on there, thing very technical, I forgot what it's called ha! Hello Kitty and USB sticks too, yay.
- MORRISONS MILK BOTTLE SWEETS - I have no idea why I've linked these but who knows, maybe you guys want to buy some 39p sweets? These ended up in here because the bag of sweets was open in my bag from when me and my boyfriend went to see One Direction. I was surprised when I took everything out of my bag and found these two fellas in the bottom!
- EMERGENCY PORTABLE BATTERY CHARGER - If you have an iPhone you will understand my struggle with their batteries. My iPhone's battery is non-existent, when I'm out it tends to switch off on me even when it's on like 60%. What's that about? Their battery is absolutely shocking. This is definitely a must to carry around everywhere with me.
- VARIOUS PENS - You don't know when you're gonna need one of these guys.
- SAUCES - One thing I should probably write on my 'ABOUT' page is that I am completely obsessed with ketchup, tomato that is. Although here I also have salsa and BBQ too. I hate it when you go to for example, McDonalds, and they give you 1 pot of tomato ketchup, wow. How generous... This is when I really need my back up ketchups that I store in literally every bag I own, just in case, right?
- REVLON HAIR BRUSH - This is just an old hairbrush by Revlon that lays in the bottom of my bag for those windy days when my hair gets all knotty.
- SPEARMINT POLOS - What bag tag could be completed without a thousand mints laying around...
- RIMMEL KATE MATTE LIPSTICK - Another item that just generally gets left in a girls everyday bag! This lipstick is in the infamous 107 shade.
- RECEIPTS - Again another thing that just gets pushed into my bag and after a few months I finally decide to be sensible and clean them all out.
- MY PURSE - This is from Primark and I think it came in at about £5.00 it was quite a recent purchase so you may be able to find it laying around somewhere.
- CUTICURA HAND GEL - For the times when your hands feel dirty.
- CUTLERY AND NAPKIN - This was from a Travelodge I stayed in, in March and believe it or not, it's came in handy when I needed a spoon when I was out.
- DAISY PRINT COMPACT MIRROR - An essential from Primark, great for checking your hair and make-up on the go.
- KFC FRESH WIPES - A just in case, of course!
- LETTERS & OTHER RANDOM THINGS - These sort of things make their way into the back of my bag. These include important things I may need when I'm out and about, such as letters. We also have concert tickets and a bus timetable booklet because they're obviously important. Who can throw away One Direction tickets anyway? Certainly not me.
- IMPULSE LOVING WORDS - This is my most favourite smelling thing of the year. Wow. It smells divine. I've always loved the Impulse body sprays because they're long lasting and you can smell them for ages afterwards. This is great to spray when nobody is around so you don't gas everybody out.
- TISSUES - You'll be pleased to know we are reaching the end, woohoo! Every gal needs a tissue, whether it's when you're testing make up on your hand or when you do actually need them for blowing your nose.
- EXTRA SPEARMINT CHEWING GUM - I like minty breath so that's that explained!
Sorry for the ridiculously long post, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and you didn't get bored with the useless rubbish that exists in my bag! Have you done a what's in my bag? Do feel free to link it in the comments so I can have a read!

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