I wanted to have a go at a different kind of post today so I thought I'd share what I learnt at University with you all in the formation of this little list. I hope you all enjoy it!
So many times the dishes piled up, sometimes until there was no cutlery left. I'd realise how little time I did actually have in the day when I was in lectures 12pm-6pm. Me and my best friend would get back to our flat and cook dinner, wash up, shower and that would literally be it and it would be 11pm. On a Monday there was honestly no time to do anything you wanted to do. Be prepared to become a cleaner for the next 3 years.
2. Appearance doesn't matter
I learnt this fairly quickly... I lived on a campus at Northampton. There was a Spar right across from our block of flats, when we needed milk it was pointless doing our make up. Yes, you probably will feel like everybody is staring at you but who cares when you've brave faced it once, you'll more than likely do it again. 4pm trips to the shops in your pyjamas when it's light is not unusual and be prepared to see the rest of the student population in onesies past 6pm in the shops. University really is a time of not having a care in the world.
3. I cannot wake myself up
This is now a known fact. Without being at home and without a Mum, I am no use in waking myself up. Whether this was to do with the fact I hated the course or I couldn't sleep at night it was just impossible for me to get up. What makes this situation a whole lot worse is the fact that nobody knew back home that I was even missing so many lectures... Not a great thing to be doing, I do admit.
4. Laundrettes are not reliable
So many times I've been in those stupid laundrettes waiting to see the outcome of my poor clothes. I've been in those laundrettes and it's sounded like a scene from Saw. My money has been eaten on numerous occasions. I can't forget the washing cycle stopping half way through, that's great when you've gone back to your flat and go back to pick your washing up and it's not even done, AMAZING! People leave their clothes in a washing machine, who would do that? I hate the thought of my underwear being left for all eyes to see. You could come back and they could be strung up in the window, who knows where they could end up!
5. Money management is most definitely not easy
Before I got each of my loans I'd sit with my Mum and we'd discuss how much money I should have left at the end of the semester. I'll tell you now, I never had the amount of money we totalled up... I thought I'd be good at this money management business but no. When you've got Birmingham an hour away from you and Milton Keynes, MK1 shopping park it's hard to resist, especially with the influence of your best friend. If you like Primark and you live near Milton Keynes go and check the MK1 shopping park out, it's a Primark fans dream!
6. Being an adult is not fun
Just a little sentence here, so many responsibilities it's ridiculous and makes me want to cry eternally.
7. Nothing will set the fire alarm off
Our oven was horrendous it was an electric oven and it was shocking. You could not control the temperature of that oven at all, it burnt the bottoms of our cookies too many times. I put a chocolate fudge cake in the microwave once to heat the icing up so it would melt (it said to do so on the box). 5 minutes was all it took apparently, little did I know that was for the whole cake, this was just one slice I was melting. I was watching something and moments later I saw a white cloud of smoke in the corner of my eye. There were streams of smoke coming out of the top vent of the microwave. I've never felt so panicked and worried. I honestly felt that we was going to set the fire alarm off. No, we didn't, I swear nothing can set that thing off but when it does go off be prepared to have a heart attack.
8. I can put my bra on relatively fast
Despite saying nothing can set the fire alarm off, it did go off on so many occasions at the most inappropriate times. On a Wednesday, half an hour before I was due at a lecture. At 5am on a Thursday morning, so many drunk people wandering around from their Wednesday night out. The possibilities are endless and lucky for me apparently I can put my bra on super fast!
9. You'll either lose weight or put it on
I've put weight on. That's where the ambition of losing weight this year has come from. I knew I'd put some weight on in March but I bravely got the courage to step on the scales the other day and oh dear me, I couldn't believe my eyes. All in all, I probably should have resisted those 1am Domino's and using the 40% off when you spend £35 at Pizzahut with my best friend...
10. The big one - University is not for me
I found myself at uni, I learnt a lot about myself and I learnt that it wasn't for me. I missed my family so much, I felt lonely, I hated the course and I was sad. That's okay though because it's not for everyone and I get that. There is just so much pressure at sixth form for you to go to uni, that I, myself, caved into.
Independent life at uni isn't all that bad though, I've gained some great memories that will be with me for the rest of my life. You know something else too, it's an experience. It's my greatest achievement to this date and I'm proud that I actually got in. So what, people may think of me as a drop out now but who cares? I tried something, I didn't like it, I wasn't happy and I'm the last person that's going to be unhappy just to please everybody else.

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