Tuesday, 24 June 2014


I wanted to write something about my university experience this week. From sixth form I felt forced into going to university. I always felt like there was no choice into where I could go with myself. I feel like in sixth form they never give you choice it's always just forced upon you that you should go to university. Lots of people want to go there but sometimes it's just not for everyone. I was struggling upon what I wanted to do. I've always wanted to help people, so my course selection kind of stemmed from there. I was mulling over Midwifery, Psychology and Counselling or Forensic Psychology. I finally decided with my past experience the best way of helping people would be to get some insight into counselling. I therefore chose to do Psychology and Counselling at The University of Northampton. 

In my A-level's I got an A in Psychology, a B in Sociology and a C in Health and Social care. That is a total of 300 UCAS points. My course wanted 300-320 UCAS points to get on so I was in a good position to getting on my chosen course. I made it, I've now dropped out. Oh how life changes... There's always a reason for things to happen though. Maybe better things are going to come along, who knows? I was not happy doing what I was doing. I'm very family orientated and I love being close with my family. My boyfriend was also 3 hours away in a car and on train also. I was so far away from all the people I loved. 

I went to uni with my best friend. I also shared a flat with her, I couldn't have had a better person to share my uni experience with. We was in a bedsit kind of thing. I found it hard to make friends there, I'm really not the type to go out drinking. That is literally the focus of uni for most students to go out and get drunk. My Mum always asks me had I shared with other people and just not one person, my best friend, would I have enjoyed it more? The answer for me is no... I think a lot of the things I didn't enjoy was down to the wrong course and being away from people I loved.

My Mum was so proud of me when I got accepted to go to university, I knew she would be. What Mum wouldn't be proud of their child going to university? I felt like so many people would be disappointed in me for my option to drop out. However, it just wasn't for me. I really did not believe in my course at all. The main focus of my course was Psychology and the first year of Psychology and Counselling was just so repetitive. I'd learn the same things over and over. In one of my seminars a week I would have no idea what my lecturer was talking about. It became hard and I felt so dumb. 

Then it comes to the counselling part of my course. I hated it. Something I thought I'd love and I'd end up doing later in life as a career, I hated. That's so hard to handle. Thinking something is your dream and realising otherwise. I felt so awkward in the role play sessions where we had to put the skills to use we learnt. I just felt like it was all so fake I didn't see how it could help someone. I know for some people it's great and it works. Doing something as a job that you don't believe in though? Surely you need to be passionate. Forever is a long time to be doing what I was going to be doing. I had to put my happiness as priority. So now I'm in debt and unemployed! Hurrahhhh! I do joke but things can only look up!

I do have a back up plan, I wouldn't have left uni if I didn't know what I was going to do with myself. I'm currently looking for a job and this is why I thought I'd take up blogging. I wanted a hobby of some sort so here I am telling you my life story I guess, ha! I'm going to apply for Midwifery at Sheffield Hallam, somewhere closer to home for 2015 entries as I can't apply for entry this year. So here's my university experience. Obviously everyone does not have the same experience! This is just my point of view and how things worked out for me. I'd just like to say The University of Northampton is so lovely. It's such a nice campus with a lovely environment. It really is a beautiful university, just it's not for me I guess and that's fine. 

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