There I was Sunday afternoon refreshing my mail on my iPhone to find a new comment on my blog from the oh so lovely Laura from keepingupwithblake. We'd never spoken, we were not following one another and I'd never read any of her posts. There was a surprise she left me in the comment, she'd nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. I'm very happy that she praised my posts and I am super happy she nominated me as I believe it's a great movement for newer bloggers.
I spent Monday catching up with all the social media kind of things I'd missed on Sunday. I thought whilst I was sitting here waiting to start my answers to the questions Laura gave the 11 bloggers she nominated, that I'd read up on some of her posts and get to know her a little more. It's so great to know the person who's created the posts you're reading. So, I learnt by stuff about Laura from the questions she answered, you guys can take a look at her award here and give her a cheeky follow if you wish to do so.
For those of you who aren't very aware of the rules here they are:
- Answer all of the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
- Link back to the person that nominated you.
- After completing these questions you must nominate 11 blogers (with under 200 followers) and provide them with 11 questions to answer.
- You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
- Finally, let your nominees know they've been nominated and provide a link to your post so they can learn all about it.
So here are the questions that Laura set her nominated bloggers and my answers:
1. What was the first concert that you ever went to?
The first concert I ever went to was One Direction, I was 17. I have now seen them 3 times, yay.
2. What would you say is your greatest achievement so far in life?
I'd say this for me is getting into uni and coming out the other side of 8 months of dizziness, faintness and just generally really not wanting to face the world today kind of mood...
3. Where is the best place that you have ever travelled to?
I can't say I've done any spectacular travelling. I've been to Holland but that was when I was around 10. It was absolutely beautiful from what I can remember and I'd more than happily love to visit there again and have a real exploration.
4. If you could have given yourself one piece of advice when you were a child, what would it have been?
This is simple, do what makes you happy, don't care what anyone thinks. Also I'd tell myself, time heals all.
5. What is your favourite TV series?
The Great British Bake Off and My Mad Fat Diary for sure.
6. If you were given a chance to relive one day in your life, what day would it be?
I'd like to relive the day I met One Direction so I can look hotter as my 19 year old self and maybe tame Harry into a corner to pounce on, who knows. Dreams are just dreams right!
7. What is your unhealthy obsession?
It used to be One Direction however I've grown out of that. I'd now say my unhealthy obsession is buying literally everything I find pretty.
8. What is your favourite flower?
Tulips or roses.
9. If you could erase your memory to read a book again, which book would it be?
This sounds so sad but I'd love to read Fifty Shades of Grey again, I totally didn't just admit to that ha!
10. Tell me about your weekend...
Yesterday I went shopping and bought a smoothie maker that doesn't actually work, cry. Today I've just been on a driving lesson back in my home town, totally not used to the roads here. I was driving in Northampton for 8 months so being back here driving is strange. Later, I'm going to stay with my Nan for the night! Busy, busy, busy.
11. Katy Perry or Lady Gaga?
I really dislike Lady Gaga so it would definitely have to be Katy Perry. She's gorgeous anyway so we'll go with that!
So it's now time for my nominations:
- Katie at inkatiescorner
- Esme at esmeburr
- Hazel Jane at hazeljane
- Lucy at littlelucywishes
- Jessica at blush-crushh
- Alex at AlexIDiLorenzo
- Louise at louiseamos
Only 7 here. I follow some great blogs but there's only a collection that are under 200 but never mind huh!
- If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
- Which 3 guests, alive or dead, would you have at a dinner party? Why?
- What's your dream job?
- What is something you learned in the last week?
- Is love at first sight real?
- Do you have any unusual phobias or fears?
- What do you think of facial hair on men?
- What are you the most proud of?
- If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be?
- What's your least favourite word?
- Have you met any celebrities?
I can't wait to see your guys' answers. If you've already done this, reply to the questions in the comments as I'd love to know more about you!